Thursday, February 24, 2011

Blog 3

The critical attribute associated with our topic of bullying is knowing and identifying when some one is being bullied. Knowing what bullying is another critical attribute.

If our topic is narrowed down to cyber bullying and we would start with the informational knowledge defining unknown terms as it relates to bullying. We could discuss the terms mean and bullying. Then introduce the term cyber bullying: To behave in a mean or threatening manner on the Internet.

For the procedural knowledge we could discuss the resources available to help students who are the victims of cyber bullies. Stress that bullying is wrong and punishable. Emphasize there are resources available to a student at school and at home if he or she is bullied. We could teach students netiquette, when it comes to e-mails, chat rooms, and all online communications.

Cyber bullying happens when someone uses the Internet, cell phones, or other devices to send or post text or images intended to hurt or embarrass another person. Cyber bullying is a problem that affects almost half of all American teens. Whether you’ve been a victim of cyber bullying, know someone who has been cyber bullied, or have even cyber bullied yourself, there are steps you and your friends can take to stop cyber bullying and stay cyber-safe.

Refuse to pass along cyber bullying messages. 
Tell friends to stop cyber bullying.
Block communication with cyber bullies.                 
Report cyber bullying to a trusted adult.

Thursday, February 17, 2011

blog 2

Parent's and faculty need to be more aware of and speak out about bullying in order to prevent it. Bullying seems to continue and is geting worse especially with technology.  This website shares an overview of cyberbullying. It is very common and can include many students which can be hurtful and embarrassing to the student being bullied. Online bullying is a serious problem and there needs to be stricter rules to dealing with it. Bullying can affect a child's self-esteem, willingness to want to go to school, can lead them into a depression, etc. Parents might not always be present with cyber bullying so they must pay attention to their children and what they are doing on the internet.

What does everyone else think about cyber bullying?
Do you think it will ever end?
What must we do in order to prevent this?
What about children who committ suicide over this?